Smart QR Code Protection for Every Product

Shieldcode is a QR Code meticulously encrypted by the Shieldtag team. This technology comprises three key features: ID, Shieldcode, and a 6-digit numerical PIN.

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Hologram Types


General Hologram

Shieldtag's General Hologram Sticker is the most basic option for ensuring the authenticity of your products. The General Hologram Sticker can be used for various purposes, such as branding, identification, and security, helping make your product packaging look more appealing.

Static Hologram

Shieldtag's Static Hologram is a type of hologram that features a static QR code on each sticker. With its unique design, the static hologram helps consumers easily verify product authenticity directly, boosting brand trust and security.


Shieldcode Hologram

Shieldtag's Shieldcode Hologram is a type of hologram featuring a dynamic (changing) QR code on each sticker. This technology ensures each of your products with a Shieldcode Hologram is unique, as each QR code corresponds to only one product. The Shieldcode Hologram includes four key features: ID, dynamic QR code, a 6-digit numeric PIN, and a scratch layer. Shieldcode Hologram is the ideal solution for product protection.

Ultimate Hologram

Shieldtag's Ultimate Hologram Sticker is a hologram sticker with the most comprehensive features. The Ultimate Hologram Sticker includes five key features: ID, dynamic QR code, 6-digit numeric PIN, scratch layer, and an additional barcode. The Ultimate Hologram is the perfect solution for protecting your products, tracking their distribution, and identifying customers.


QR Code Identity

We assign a unique ID to each Shieldcode to differentiate one QR code from another. This ID can also serve as a Product Identification Number. When customers receive a defective or failed product, they can directly complain to customer support by mentioning the Shieldcode ID printed on the product.


Unique PIN Authentication

We acknowledge that QR Codes are part of an open-source system, allowing content to be copied and pasted by anyone. However, at Shieldtag, we enhance the security of our Shieldcode by incorporating a 6-digit PIN. This PIN must be validated by the system during the product authenticity check, adding an extra layer of protection that significantly increases the difficulty of unauthorized access.


Authenticity Assurance with Scratch Layer

Our PIN is additionally safeguarded by an extra scratch layer, ensuring that you are the initial user of the QR Shieldtag for the product you've purchased. If the scratch layer is removed, it indicates that the product has been 'tampered' with by a previous user.

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